Certificate in Education and Training (CET) Online


The Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (QCF), which is aimed at learners aged 19 and over, prepares trainee teachers to teach in differing contexts. It is also designed to meet the needs of various trainee teachers and learners currently working as assessors who wish to achieve a teaching qualification which focuses on practical teaching.

SKU: N/A Category:


Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (QCF) Online Course (Distance Learning)

Qualification Number: 601/1695/X                                                                       Credit Value: 36

The Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (QCF), which is aimed at learners aged 19 and over, prepares trainee teachers to teach in differing contexts. It is also designed to meet the needs of various trainee teachers and learners currently working as assessors who wish to achieve a teaching qualification which focuses on practical teaching.

The Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (QCF) is ideal for learners with some teaching and training experience. It is also ideal for anyone not currently teaching or training but satisfies the practice requirements stipulated in the mandatory and optional units.

So, to gain the award, learner need to undertake Online Course (Distance Learning) and will have up to 12 weeks to complete assignments/portfolio at own pace with tutor support and guidance, attend a one-day live session to deliver a micro-teach PowerPoint presentation in his/her specialist field (to be observed and assessed by peers and tutor) at one of our closest training centres and successfully complete assessments for the units. Should the assignments/portfolio (including micro-teaching) be completed within twelve weeks, learner can submit his/her portfolio for assessment.

As resources (e.g. computer, projector, flipchart/wipe board and maker pens) will be provided for the micro-teach, learner will be required to only come with storage unit containing PP presentation, copies of completed Session Plan and Scheme of Work, handouts and any prop needed to aid and enhance presentation.

Required materials for the course will be remitted upon booking and payment for the course.

To undertake this course, a learner must be 19 and over.

The Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (QCF), with a Credit Value of 36, is delivered every month at training centres/venues various training venues/centres across London and throughout the United Kingdom.


Qualification Structure

The Level Certificate in Education and Training (QCF) comprises of mandatory and optional units. Learners must achieve a minimum of 36 credits by achieving:

  • 21 credits from Mandatory Group A; and
  • 15 credits from Mandatory Group B

Assessment method

  • Learners must complete a practical assessment consisting a 30-minute micro-teach session which will be delivered as part of the programme, after which both tutor and peer feedback will be given;
  • Learners must complete and submit (over set deadline) a portfolio of evidence that will meet the learning outcome for the units that have been given; and
  • Learners will be able to apply and show evidence of both theoretical and practical knowledge in their portfolio.

Condition of Entry

Learners are expected to meet the required standards of Functional Skills (English, Mathematics and ICT) needed to undertake this course and are expected to be qualified and/or experienced in the subject they might want to teach.


Following successful completion of this qualification, learners may wish to progress to the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (QCF)

Please check our forthcoming course dates and
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Course Dates


Barking, Croydon, Greenwich, Harrow, Lewisham, Oval, Peckham, Seven Sisters, Stratford, Streatham

Course Date

Jan-( 13, 14 & 15 ), Feb-(04, 05 & 06), Mar-(04, 05 & 06), Apr-(01, 02 & 03)